Message from Ian
The Times They Are A-Changin’
…said Bob, but
The Show Must Go On ….…said Freddie.
And that’s what is happening on Marsh Gibbon Parish Council.
As I retired, there were seven candidates for seven places. Current councillors Adrian Lambourne, Penny Evershed, Liz Taylor, June Smith, Richard Cross and Nick Lyon are joined by Tom Reveler, after an uncontested election on May 6.
The new Council will serve for four years. The first meeting will be in the Village Hall on Tuesday May 11 at 8.00pm, open to the public.
For the past few months I have not sent out the Parish Council Bulletin, but Nick Lyon does maintain a presence for MGPC on Facebook. If you would like to follow that, the link is:
Nick has also offered to resume the monthly email bulletin that I used to send.
To receive it after May 11, you need do nothing – I can transfer the current list of recipients to Nick.
If you would prefer not to receive the email in future, please respond to this message and we will delete you from my list. If you do not respond, Nick will email you in May from his address ([email protected]).

Donations to the COVID-19 Foodbank

A fantastic effort from residents of Marsh Gibbon towards the Aylesbury COVID-19 Foodbank collection

Many thanks to all those who contributed.